CLX System

One Simple system that Will Make
Practice Managers’ Lives Easier

“I can’t tell you the amount of time it has saved our practice as a whole.”

That’s the manager of a CLX practice, talking about the benefits she and her practice get from using this simple system. Most practice managers are constantly looking for new ways to save time, and now they’ve found one, simple trick that makes it easier to do their job while increasing the efficiency of the business: CLX.  

The CLX System is a cloud-based contact lens sales software, and it’s designed to make everyone’s job easier in an eye care practice, but the biggest fans of CLX out there are practice managers. Here are a few ways that CLX makes running an office easier to do well: 

CLX System’s Universal Catalog

1. Accurate Pricing and Product Catalog

Many practice managers are responsible for making sure product and pricing information stays up to date, especially in the constantly shifting contact lens landscape. If the office gets behind on product information, everyone feels it, including your patients.

With the CLX System’s Universal Catalog, administrators have access to a complete list of current products, updated in real-time. This eliminates the headache of placing orders for outdated products or not having access to the latest information to show patients. Likewise, CLX’s Price Check tool also tracks market data in real time. It enables your practice to track contact lens prices across your biggest competitors, giving you the ability to stay competitive in the face of market fluctuations.

2. Reduce Outbound Calls

If you’re a practice administrator, you may spend a significant portion of your day on the phone. CLX features like Convenient Reordering allow you to offer your patients what they want and reduce the likelihood that you or your staff will need to call them to stay connected. If they leave without purchasing contact lenses, CLX Patient Protect can text and email them a prompt to order through a personalized link. This saves time calling and time manually inputting an order.

3. Spend Less Time on Reorders

In the same vein, manually processing contact lens reorders can put a strain on a practice’s bandwidth. With CLX, your optical staff will be better equipped to increase overall capture rate because features like CLX Price Compare are designed to help you sell more annual supplies. Of course, if a patient is still unwilling to buy a year’s supply of their contact lenses or declines a subscription (another CLX patient offering), CLX Convenient Reordering automates reordering reminders with emails and text messages preloaded with a specific patient’s prescription information. Again, this saves time on phone recall and time processing the reorder.

CLX Convenient Reordering

4. Ensure Accurate, Robust Reporting

Many practices still spend time logging their practice metrics manually, and while the reports may be accurate in the end, you’ve likely spent way too much time getting to this point to actually learn from the numbers you’re generating.

Of course, the alternative is often not reporting at all. How can you know you optimize your practice’s workflow if you’re left guessing about key metrics? The reality is, practices without CLX are usually unclear about capture rate, annual supply rate, and sales performance, among other crucial data. With CLX, your most important performance indicators are right there on your dashboard in real-time, presented in ways that allow you to recognize trends and understand key metrics at a glance.

CLX Saves Time and Adds Efficiency

Of course, the total value of CLX doesn’t lie in just one feature, it’s in the way that the system uses all these features together to help support your practice throughout the patient lifecycle. Price Compare and Subscriptions help you sell more contact lenses, while Convenient Reordering and Patient Protect help you automate patient communication. When you’re not currently working with a patient, CLX reporting features and Price Check make it as easy as possible to make sure you’re not missing growth opportunities in your practice.

If you’re a busy practice manager, you’ll love the fact that the CLX System was designed to make everyone’s life easier – especially yours.

Contact Lens Subscription Services

Your peers are experiencing unmatched growth in their contact lens businesses with CLX; now it’s time for you to join them.

Click below to schedule a demo and see how CLX’s automated tools can help you grow and succeed:

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